
abisplan - the global solution
Tested and stable
abisplan has been tested and proved reliable since 1985, its date of arrival on the
market.Its principal qualities are its fast execution rate and high reliability.
During its years of development, our clients' observations have contributed to the improvement
of ABISPLAN to a high level of efficiency. Since 1992, we have chosen to run our programs
through MS-Windows, while many of our competitors changed much later.
Our clients have therefore been independent with the material for a long time, whilst remaining
compatible with the rest of the computing world.
Flexible yet global
With its universality, the ABIS® program system guarantees an optimal aid
in all phases throughout a project, from the planning to the execution.
Its modularity distinguishes it from systems that are rather strict and complex, and which
need a complex insertion of data, which will be used only in later phases, from the first phase.
ABIS avoids this insertion of information needed in other phases, however ensuring it effectively but in a
discreet manner. its uses all of its potential to serve your immediate needs in the current phase of your project.
Modular solution
With its universality, the ABIS® program system guarantees an optimal aid
in all phases throughout a project, from the planning to the execution.
Its modularity distinguishes it from systems that are rather strict and complex, and which
need a complex insertion of data, which will be used only in later phases, from the first phase.
ABIS avoids this insertion of information needed in other phases, however ensuring it effectively but in a
discreet manner. its uses all of its potential to serve your immediate needs in the current phase of your project.
> abisplan 2D - the virtual drawing table
> abisplan 3D - the virtual model
> abisphotostudio - the virtual photostudio