
abisphotostudio - raytracing with POV-Ray
Raytracing with abisplan 3D and POV-Ray
The export of ABIS-3D data to POV-Ray is carried out by the generation of a POV-file, that is a file which can be read by POV-Ray.
Users who are accustomed to working with POV-RAY can then handle that file. POV-Ray computes an image of the current scene.
The POV-Ray computed picture is displayed in ABIS-3D, together with the foreground and background settings, and can be stored as a bmp.file.
More information about POV-Ray can be found on the hompage > http://www.povray.org
The current version can be downloaded from > http://www.povray.org/download
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The Persistence of Vision Raytracer, or POV-Ray, is a ray tracing program available for a variety of computer platforms.
It was originally based on DKBTrace, written by David Kirk Buck and Aaron A. Collins.
There are also influences from the earlier Polyray raytracer contributed by its author Alexander Enzmann.